On Mon, 13 Jun 2016 19:48:05 GMT, zunkree wrote:

I trying to write rest api client with vibe.d rest generator and figured that the such code:

class App
    string id;
    string cmd;

interface IntREST
    App postApp(App app);

sends body like:

    "app": {
        "id": "value",
        "cmd": "command"

but I need to send without nesting into "app":

    "id": "value",
    "cmd": "command"

How I can avoid such behavior like nesting?

Currently there is no way, but we could do something like specializing @bodyParam with an empty field name:

@bodyParam("app", "")
App postApps(App app);

It would then error out of there are other body parameters and otherwise would write the contents directly into the response body.