On Tue, 17 May 2016 03:37:20 GMT, Chuck wrote:

I am trying to append an array to a Json variable but it ends up repeating the last element over the entire array. For example, if my array should be {"prop":"test1"},{"prop":"test 2"},{"prop":"test3"}, it comes out as {"prop":"test3"},{"prop":"test3"},{"prop":"test3"}.


Json elecArray = Json.emptyObject;
result["elec"] = Json.emptyArray;
foreach(ELEC; elecColl.find(["committee":orgID]))
      elecArray["prop"] = ELEC["proposal"].toJson;
      elecArray["id"] = ELEC["_id"].toJson;


The problem is that the foreach loop just overwrites the same internal associative array entries in each iteration, but every array entry still references the same associative array. Moving the Json elecArray = Json.emptyObject; inside of the loop should fix this.