I am trying to use the
auto client = RestInterfaceClient!Zoho("https://creator.zoho.com/api/zoho_xxx/json/testapi/form/Orders/record/add");

where the interface is as follows:
module zoho;

struct orderToSubmit {

string authtoken;
string scope_;
string Depot;
string RTU;
string Order_Date_Time;
string Device_Id;
string Device_Serial_Number;
int Days_Left;
string Supply_Code;


interface Zoho {

 ubyte[][] postOrder(orderToSubmit theOrder);


the call looks like auto theResponse = client.postOrder(theOrder);

The server requires the data(theOrder) to be passed as form data. The data is actually passed as JSON.

How can I get the data to be encoded as form data using this method?

Any suggestions are definitely appreciated.

