On Sun, 28 Feb 2016 12:05:36 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 24.02.2016 um 18:29 schrieb zunkree:

How to use vibe.http.client to get data from https with self-signed certificate?

You can access the TLS context of the HTTP client using
HTTPClient.setTLSSetupCallback. From within the callback, you can then
add a trusted self-signed certificate using
TLSContext.useTrustedCertificateFile, or you could skip the trust
validation by setting .peerValidationMode to
TLSPeerValidationMode.validCert or even to .none. Of course, this is
obviously less desirable from a security POV. Finally, you could also
set a .peerValidationCallback to customize the process.

Got it, thanks a lot!