On Fri, 19 Feb 2016 11:02:28 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 19.02.2016 um 00:16 schrieb Márcio Martins:

Perhaps, what would work for this sort of multi-developer/builder environments could be a way for dub to support private repositories. e.g. It could check my company's private repository and only a package was not found there it would check the official repository. Sort of like adding ppa's to aptitude in Ubuntu.
This way all I'd have to do would be to set an environment variable or pass an argument to dub or have some sort of /etc/dub.conf and everything thing else would be handled transparently.

Would also make it easier for me to test my vibe.d contributions in our live infrastructure before submitting a PR.

You can specify an own registry using the --registry=<URL> switch, or
by adding a "registryUrls": ["<url>"] field to ~/.dub/settings.json.
These will have precedence over code.dlang.org. The main problem is that
the dub-registry currently still requires the repository to be hosted on
GitHub or BitBucket. But there is also a GitLab implementation that can
be enabled manually in the source, which is what I added to support this
for our internal repositories.

But generally, the Repository interface is quite straightforward, so
adding other back ends is definitely a possibility.

This is great! Thanks!