Am 31.01.2016 um 16:25 schrieb Martin Tschierschke:

In vibe.d's diet templates it is possible to use

 "result: #{funktion_call(variable)} "

so that in the end

 "result: "~function_call(variable)!toString~" "

or something similar is evaluated.

How to use this in functionality in an other context?
Where in the vibe.d sources I can find this part of evaluation?

Any hint for me?
Regards mt.
ps. First I thought it is an D feature...

It requires using a string mixin at the scope where the required
variables are accessible. A simple implementation:

import std.stdio;
import std.string;

// TODO: escape special characters properly with backslashes
string escape(string str) { return str; }

string writeInterpolated(string format)
    string ret;
    while (true) {
       auto idx = format.indexOf('{');
       if (idx < 0) {
          ret ~= "write(\""~format.escape()~"\");\n";
       if (idx > 0) ret ~= "write(\""~format[0 .. idx].escape()~"\");\n";
       format = format[idx+1 .. $];
       auto eidx = format.indexOf('}');
       assert(eidx >= 0, "Missing closing '}');
       assert(eidx > 0, "Missing interpolation expression");
       ret ~= "write("~format[0 .. eidx]~");\n";
       format = format[eidx+1 .. $];
    return ret ~ "writeln();";

void main()
    string w = "world";
    mixin(writeInterpolated("Hello, {w}!"));

Personally, I'm pretty happy with the printf inspired syntax that is
supported by format/writefln/formattedWrite. It also supports
positional arguments for things like i18n strings.