Hello, thanks for the suggestions

minimal testcase

import vibe.db.redis.redis;

int main(string[] argv)

auto db = new RedisClient().getDatabase(0);
db.hset("key", "field", "value");
return 0;


I rebuild vibe, but with no success:

1) used the --combined option; this does not change the .lib file so I guess this option was already used

2) added "dflags": ["-allinst"] to vibe's dub.json; I get an 'out of memory error' but looking at Windows resources during the build process, I have about 4GB memory left..

Next steps:

  • Use DUB for building my program,instead of Visualstudio/D
  • Switch to Linux and see if it works
  • File the bugreport as you suggested

Any advice on next steps?

Is this out of memory error I got using '-allinst' from dub or the compiler? It looks like there is memory available on the system.