On Wed, 25 Nov 2015 15:57:51 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 24.11.2015 um 19:01 schrieb Adam Strzelecki:


I am an author of some more lightweight benchmark WebFrameworkBenchmark, it is much simpler but also more friendly benchmark than Techempower's Benchmark.

I wanted to ask you to have a look at my Vibe.d results, which are pretty disappointing, just below Ruby performance and far below C and Java frameworks. Vibe.d looks really nice, it has interesting features, but its performance really needs some love (aka optimizations).

I tested a bit and here are some results:

DMD debug, nogc, singlethread: 30kreq/s
DMD plain, nogc, singlethread: 32kreq/s
DMD release, nogc, singlethread: 61kreq/s
DMD release, nogc, singlethread, libasync: 62kreq/s
GDC release, nogc, singlethread: 63kreq/s
GDC release, nogc, multithread: 64kreq/s
GDC release, gc, singlethread: 58kreq/s
GDC release, gc, multithread: 59kreq/s

release: "dub -b release"
nogc: versions "VibeManualMemoryManagement"
multithread: HTTPServerOption.distribute

I went ahead and looked, and it appears he's using an outdated version of vibe. Based on your results, could we improve this benchmark just by submitting a PR for the dub.sdl file?