On Fri, 09 Oct 2015 19:36:46 GMT, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Two possibilities, either use a wrapper struct:

struct UUIDWrapper {
    UUID value;
    alias value this;
    string toString() const { return value.toString(); }
    static UUID fromString(string str) { return UUID(str); }

assert(uuid.serializeToJson() == Json(uuid.toString()));

or use the serialization policy feature:

template Policy(T) if (is(T == UUID)) {
    static string toRepresentation(UUID value) { return value.toString(); }
    static UUID fromRepresentation(string str) { return UUID(str); }

assert(uuid.serializeWithPolicy!(JsonSerializer, Policy) == Json(uuid.toString());


the wrapper seems a bit clunky for my case, but I like the serialization policy. However, I am not sure, how to use the policy with the Rest interface generator.

Suppose I have this code:

struct SomeIDs
  UUID id1,
  UUID id2

interface API
  @property someIDs getIDs();

class RestServer : API
  private URLRouter _router;
    this() {
      _router = new URLRouter();
      _router.registerRestInterface(this, MethodStyle.camelCase);

Where do I apply the policy?
