Hey guys,

So after a few years of casual development I'm nearing the point where I may actually be running my vibed-based game metaserver in a more serious production environment. To that end, while it has been very stable to date, I wanted to query the community for recommendations on the most reliable and "battle-tested" config.

I've been using dmd + libevent on Linux (ubuntu) and it has been quite stable, but the load has been relatively light compared to what the production config may see. I mostly chose dmd at the time because a few years ago it was the most stable and complete of the various options, but I'm getting the impression that both GDC and LDC are getting pretty decent at this point as well, and may have significantly more capable garbage collectors (seemingly a weak point of dmd). I've also heard some concerning talk of code gen issues with destructors in the latest versions of dmd, although I'm not sure on the details.

libevent has been pretty good but apparently there's also an actively developed "libasync" backend now as well. While performance is relevant, stability is still my #1 concern. To that end, is libevent still the most actively tested backend or would you guys recommend something else?

Thanks in advance for any insight! Cheers,