Am 07.09.2015 um 15:42 schrieb Tomáš Chaloupka:

I'm trying to build vibe.d with botan on win32.
As botan needs to be built with m32mscoff there is a problem with included binaries of libeay32 and ssleay32.

I guess both libs are in omf format, but for MS linker to work they needed to be in coff format?
I tried to use implib ( to regenerate LIBs from DLL, but I'm getting this (same as with original libs):
MS-Coff object module libeay32.lib has magic = df0, should be 8664
MS-Coff object module ssleay32.lib has magic = df0, should be 8664

Does anybody knows what is wrong?


I didn't really test this on Windows, but I think that you can just
comment out everything OpenSSL related from dub.json when Botan is used.
If that doesn't work, I'll have a closer look, but the idea is that it
completely replaces OpenSSL.