I want to make use of the Cassandra driver located at

I also want to use Vibe's threading. However, when I use both, my program exits with error code -11. I tried to use gdb on the application, but when I run gdb ./test2, I can't load any pages.

I uploaded a simple case to connect to a local cassandra server:

I'd be happy to dig into this, but I'm not sure how to get a stack trace or other places to start.

I've also been looking at DataStax's C++ driver for Cassandra. I would like to contribute to cassandra-d since it would be a good exercise in D for me, but the DataStax driver is probably higher quality than I would achieve for quite some time. Would you expect it to be difficult to use that driver in D, or to convert it to a library? I've read a bit about these processes, but I have no idea how hard it might actually be.

Their driver is here:
