I'm completely new to d, vibe.d and to http, so it's possible that I'm wrong here, but I think I've found a bug in webform.d. I'm using vibe.d 0.7.23

I'm writing a small application in Qt/C++ to perform a multi-part post to a vibe.d server that is basically identical to uploader example code here: https://github.com/rejectedsoftware/vibe.d/blob/master/examples/uploader/source/app.d

Using chrome to post the upload form works, but my Qt client did not, despite being able to use it with http://requestb.in/, and eventually I found that the vibe.d server was reporting an error in webform.d line 136 - "Invalid multipart form data".

The problem is that the Qt network code (QNetworkAccessManager, QNetworkRequest, QHttpMultiPart) sends the Content-Type boundary field in quotes, but then doesn't use quotes with the boundary delimiters e.g.:
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="boundary_.oOo._MjQ3MjA=MTEyNDI=MTk4ODc="
and then

The parseMultiPartForm function in webform.d looks like it's trying to directly compare the boundary from the header with the first boundary delimeter and is failing.
enforce(firstBoundary == "--" ~ boundary, "Invalid multipart form data!");

RFC2046 Section 5.1.1 suggests that what Qt is doing is correct, and that webform.d is not correctly handling quoted and non-quoted boundaries.

Is this a vibe.d bug? Or should I be making a fuss towards Qt?

Any feedback welcomed
