Am 10.06.2015 um 11:52 schrieb Suliman:

Why don't you want to use serveStaticFile if youwant to do exactly what it does ?

Because I do not understand why I can't do serveStaticFiles in handler ("index" in my case) and must do serveStaticFiles inside get.

I am trying to understand it, because if I would not understand logic of this case I would have problems with more complicated code.

You could also do this:

static this() {
   // ...
   router.get("/", &index);
   router.get("/index.html", &serveIndex);

void serveIndex(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
   static HTTPServerRequestDelegateS file_server;
   if (!file_server) file_server = serveStaticFile("/public/index.html");
   file_server(req, res);

There is a private sendFile method in vibe.http.fileserver that we
could also make public to better support this kind of use case. Do you
have a particular reason why directly using serveStaticFile(s) with
router.get() is not ideal, or do you just want to understand the logic
behind it?