On Tue, 09 Jun 2015 13:01:06 GMT, Mathias LANG wrote:

On Tue, 09 Jun 2015 00:29:37 GMT, neo2005th wrote:

Compiling using dmd...
source/app.d(1): Error: module vibe is in file 'vibe.d' which cannot be read
import path[0] = source/
import path[1] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/vibe-d-master/source/
import path[2] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/libevent-
import path[3] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/openssl-1.1.4
import path[4] = /usr/include/dmd/phobos
import path[5] = /usr/include/dmd/druntime/import
FAIL .dub/build/application-debug-linux.posix-x8664-dmd2067-EAFA58D80C5C82964BCA12BC4454451D/ demo executable
Error executing command run:
dmd failed with exit code 1.

I guess you try to import vibe.d.vibe ?
vibe is the package name, so you can either import vibe.d (d is module importing everything, present for convenience), or import specific vibe.XXX, see here: http://vibed.org/api/

This is my app.d, it's exactly the same from the front page of vibed.org

import vibe.d;

shared static this()

auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.port = 8080;

listenHTTP(settings, &handleRequest);


void handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest req,

   HTTPServerResponse res)


if (req.path == "/")
	res.writeBody("Hello, World!", "text/plain");
