WARNING: A deprecated branch based version specification is used for the dependency vibe-d. Please use numbered versions instead. Also note that you can still use the dub.selections.json file to override a certain dependency to use a branch instead.
Target vibe-d ~master is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Building cofuar ~master configuration "application", build type debug.

Compiling using dmd...
source/app.d(1): Error: module vibe is in file 'vibe.d' which cannot be read
import path[0] = source/
import path[1] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/vibe-d-master/source/
import path[2] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/libevent-
import path[3] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/openssl-1.1.4
import path[4] = /usr/include/dmd/phobos
import path[5] = /usr/include/dmd/druntime/import
FAIL .dub/build/application-debug-linux.posix-x8664-dmd2067-EAFA58D80C5C82964BCA12BC4454451D/ demo executable
Error executing command run:
dmd failed with exit code 1.

DUB version 0.9.23, built on Apr 3 2015

DMD64 D Compiler v2.067.1
Copyright (c) 1999-2014 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright



"name": "demo",
"description": "A minimal D application.",
"copyright": "Copyright © 2015, root",
"authors": ["root"],
"dependencies": {
 "vibe-d": {"version": "~master"}
"versions": [




"fileVersion": 1,
"versions": {
	"memutils": "0.3.8",
	"vibe-d": "0.7.23",
	"libevent": "2.0.1+2.0.16",
	"openssl": "1.1.4+1.0.1g",
	"libev": "5.0.0+4.04",
	"libasync": "0.7.1"
