Hi, I'm trying to create an application server that use WebSocket and Redis.

I've started from the example vibenotes to be able to use the broadcast feature.
I also need non broadcast messages but I can't make it work.

I can send message with: socket.send("foo");
But everytimes I'm trying to get an information from Redis (in an other function) the socket is broken when I want to use it.

void callback (scope WebSocket socket) {
	auto sockid = cast(void*)socket;

	auto sendtask = runTask({
		while(socket.connected) {
			auto message = receiveOnly!string();

	m_sockets[sockid] = SocketInfo(sendtask, channel);
	scope (exit) m_sockets.remove(sockid);

	while (socket.waitForData()) {
		auto data = socket.receiveText();
		auto msg = parseJsonString(data);
		sendtask.send("Message sent");
		msg = functionThatDoSomethingWithREDIS(msg);
		// ERROR:
		// WebSocket handler failed: Got JSON of type undefined, expected object.
		// Task terminated with uncaught exception: WebSocket connection already actively closed.

I know that the connection with Redis use Fiber to don't wait for the response and let the CPU do something else, but I don't understand how to use it correctly.

Also, I got the same error If I try to pass the sendTask to the functionThatDoSomethingWithREDIS: I can't call send without error.