Hi guys. I'm in trouble once more :).
I'm trying to implement a POST method in my REST Api service. Here's the code:

public interface IWeb
	@path("/authenticate") @method(HTTPMethod.POST) @bodyParam("credential", "credential")
	string authenticate(Credential credential);
	public string authenticate(Credential credential)
		return credential.username ~ "\t" ~ credential.password;

However, when I try to POST the following JSON:

    "username": "Dato",
    "password": "asd"

I get an error saying "Missing parameter credential".

Then I tried this:

    "username": "Dato",
    "password": "asd"

but now I get "The request body must contain a JSON object with an entry for each parameter.". Any idea what's wrong with the code? I use application/json as a Content-Param value.

Thanks :)