On Thu, 12 Feb 2015 22:19:15 +0100, Andre wrote:


I try to retrieve from a RestInterface a SessionVar which was
set from a WebInterface.
This is forbidden currently. How could I solve this issue?

The REST module aims for M2M (machine-to-machine) communication, while the web module aims for user-to-machine.
Even if they seem very similar, they are not compatible and should not be used together.

This is my use case:
OpenUI5 is a Javascript UI libary. It mainly retrieves data by using
OData services. You implement your UI / UI logic using xml and a model,
view, controller concept in JavaScript.

I try to implement a scenario similiar to vibe-d/examples/web. But
instead using Diet as UI, I am using OpenUI5.

I am facing one big issue. In my UI I have also username/password fields
and I am also calling SampleService.postLogin which also sets the
SessionVar "settings".
For getting some data I use the vibe.d RestInterface. But now,
I cannot access the SessionVar because this is forbidden.
I would like to check whether the user is already authenticated by the

Kind regards

Where are you using RestInterfaceClient from ? From what I understand, you only have a server app, so you should not use a RestInterfaceClient (unless you are querying another RESTful API).