Am 01.12.2014 03:06, schrieb Domingo Alvarez Duarte:

Here is how a simple "Hello World !" compares between LUA-Turbo/D-Vibe.d:

LUA ==memory 10.2MB = complexit 3/10 == Requests per second: 54042.70 [#/sec] (mean)
D ==memory 17.6MB = complexit 7/10 == Requests per second: 30355.65 [#/sec] (mean)

Those are definitely impressive features for a pure LUA framework, even
if JITted. How did you compile the vibe.d version for the benchmark?
-version=VibeManualMemoryManagement is currently required for maximum
performance, as well as enabling optimizations and function inlining.

Anyway, I'm planning to do another performance optimization pass through
the code before making the 1.0.0 release, so that we'll hopefully get
best-in-class performance. Ideally that would be using the libasync
driver, because we have full control over the low level system calls
there (in contrast to the libevent driver).