I have to make thousands of connections to a server that isn't mine.
Is it necessary to do this in chunks, or does vibe do this internally?

Ie. Does vibe grow its connectionpool to a thousand if I call doBatch?
Or, is doBatchChunked a better approach?

void doBatch(int numRequests = 1000)
	Task[numRequests] taskpool;
	for(int i = 0; i < numRequests; i++)
		taskpool[i] = runTask({

	foreach(task; taskpool)

	// do other things

void doBatchChunked(int numRequests = 1000)
	enum poolSize = 10;
	Task[poolSize] taskpool;

	int count;
	while(count < numRequests)
		int remaining = numRequests - count;
		int batchSize = remaining < poolSize ? remaining : poolSize;

		for(int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
			taskpool[i] = runTask({

		foreach(task; taskpool)

	// do other things

void doRequest(int id)
		(scope request)
			request.method = HTTPMethod.GET;
			import std.conv: to;
			request.requestURL = `/id=` ~ to!string(id);
		(scope response)
			auto json = response.readJson();
			// do something with the json