I'm brand new to vibe.d. Just walking through the documentation to get set up for my first project. Got stuck on the final step where it's trying to resolve dependencies and downloading libevent package/library. It's trying to fetch from http://code.dlang.org/packages/libevent/2.0.1%252B2.0.16.zip and getting a 404 response.

I see the package available here: http://code.dlang.org/packages/libevent but I'm guessing something went awry in the URL encoding?

Here's the full terminal capture:

mbr-26986:demo imiller$ dub
The following changes will be performed:
Fetch libevent >=2.0.1+2.0.16 <2.1.0, userWide
Fetch vibe-d >=0.7.17, userWide
Fetch openssl >=1.0.0+1.0.0e, userWide
Fetch libev >=4.0.0+4.04 <4.1.0, userWide
Fetching libevent 2.0.1+2.0.16...
Error executing command run: Failed to download http://code.dlang.org/packages/libevent/2.0.1%252B2.0.16.zip: 404 Not Found