Hello !

I have some functions that are annotated with @path and I'm getting:
404 - Not Found

Not Found

Internal error information:
Not routes match path '/customer/delete/id/55'

How can I debug it ?

I added this to web.d:

void registerWebInterface(C : Object, MethodStyle method_style = MethodStyle.lowerUnderscored)(URLRouter router, C instance, WebInterfaceSettings settings = null)

import std.array : endsWith;
import std.traits;

if (!settings) settings = new WebInterfaceSettings;

foreach (M; __traits(allMembers, C)) {
	/*static if (isInstanceOf!(SessionVar, __traits(getMember, instance, M))) {
		__traits(getMember, instance, M).m_getContext = toDelegate({ return s_requestContext; });
	static if (!is(typeof(__traits(getMember, Object, M)))) { // exclude Object's default methods and field
		foreach (overload; MemberFunctionsTuple!(C, M)) {
			alias RT = ReturnType!overload;
			enum minfo = extractHTTPMethodAndName!overload();
			enum url = minfo.hadPathUDA ? minfo.url : adjustMethodStyle(minfo.url, method_style);
			version(debug_router) { ///////////to help debug
				import vibe.core.log;
				logInfo("registerWebInterface: %s", url);
			} //////////////////<<<<<<<

			static if (is(RT == class) || is(RT == interface)) {

The I get this output at compile time:

registerWebInterface: /
registerWebInterface: /list/:entity
registerWebInterface: user
registerWebInterface: /user/:userid
registerWebInterface: /user/:email/email
registerWebInterface: /user/:user
registerWebInterface: /user/:email/email/delete
registerWebInterface: /user/delete/:fieldname/:fieldvalue
registerWebInterface: /user/:fieldname/:fieldvalue
registerWebInterface: /customer/list/:limit
registerWebInterface: /customer/delete/:fieldname/:fieldvalue
registerWebInterface: customer
registerWebInterface: customer
registerWebInterface: /customer/:fieldname/:fieldvalue

Any clue on how to debug it ?