On Sun, 11 May 2014 17:15:14 GMT, Luís Marques wrote:

On Sun, 11 May 2014 17:06:59 GMT, Luís Marques wrote:

    at darch.dt:15

Assuming the lines of diet templates are correctly preserved in the backtrace, we have:

13: - foreach(source; sourceList)
14:    li
15:        - auto url = "archeology/" ~ source.sha1;

The handler for that URL, which uses darch.dt is:

void darchHome(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
	auto cmd = new PGCommand(pgdb, "SELECT sha1, title from darch_tests");
	auto sourceList = cmd.executeQuery!(Tuple!(string, "sha1", string, "title"))();
    scope(exit) sourceList.close();
    res.render!("darch.dt", sourceList);

I don't see anything obviously wrong there. Would it help if I put some kind of assert regarding the sourceList fields?

This may actually also be unrelated to the Postgre code. The stack trace in #470 is almost the same.