Am 14.04.2014 01:26, schrieb Darius Clark:

On Sun, 13 Apr 2014 20:49:01 +0200, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 13.04.2014 20:17, schrieb Darius Clark:

Hi, I am currently developing something in vibe.d on windows but it errors out on res.render!() (this doesnt happen in linux)

source/vibe/templ/diet.d(231): Error: file "home/index.dt" cannot be found or not in a path specified with -J

This is a difference between DMD on Windows and on other systems. For
some reason (that I have forgotten) it allows string import files to be
in sub folders on Windows, but for safety reasons it doesn't permit that
on Posix systems. I'm typically just using dots instead of sub folders
to work around this (i.e. home.index.dt).

Hmm even doing it like that gives that same error unless I am doing something wrong

Did you change both, the folder structure and the string passed to