On Thu, 21 Mar 2013 13:41:21 GMT, Daniel Davidson wrote:

Sorry for very basic question - but, I think I have vibe installed correctly (although I could not use dub because I had issues with libcurl on my ubuntu). I can, for example do:

$ ./run-example.sh json

and will see some json written. But when I run those that involve web stuff I don't think it is working (or I don't know what to look for). For example, if I run the 'diet' example, I see one Failed to listen on, which I think is ok since it keeps going and prints Running event loop.... Not sure what to do then. I expected to enter "" in the browser and see something, but all I see is the error below.


Are you using the latest release or the git master version (git master works for me)? I remember that there was at least a similar bug that has been resolved for a while. If you are running the release version, trying with the git version is just

git clone https://github.com/rejectedsoftware/vibe.d
cd vibe.d
./install-linux.sh -i
./run_example.sh diet

Regarding the DUB/libcurl problems, did you use the precompiled binary, the Debian package, or compile from source? It usually just needs to have libcurl3 installed (libcurl3-gnutls should also work).