On Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:40:11 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Just for the record, I would also like to have something like std.concurrency available in vibe.d
and probably will do an implementation with a compatible API at some point. The arguably better
alternative would be to extend std.concurrency so that it is able to use fibers and custom
synchronization primitives. But since that will probably not happen anytime soon (or at all), my
plan is to go with the former solution, although it kind of hurts to duplicate Phobos functionality.

Hi, I was out of D development for some time, but I am now back and I would like to do something about the concurrency issues.
Could you please take a look at 'std.asio' thread in the D newsgroup (http://forum.dlang.org/thread/513E0110.7090703@ics.muni.cz) and tell how is the situation?

Also - is there e.g. some isolated problem with the concurrency that I can help you with?
