On Wed, 26 Feb 2014 23:18:34 GMT, Colin Grogan wrote:

Hi, I'm trying to upload more than 1 image at a time.

My client side form is:

form(method="POST", action="/photo_upload", enctype="multipart/form-data")
    input(type="file", name="imagesToUpload", id="imagesToUpload", multiple)
    button(type="submit", id="doUploadButton") Upload

And server side (I havent implemented the file copyies yet, I'm only reading the info from the headers for now)

private void postPhotoUpload(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res){
    import std.stdio;
        writefln("req headers:");
        foreach(key, val; req.headers)
             writefln("\t%s : %s",key, val);

        writefln("req files:");
            writefln("\t%s", req.files);
res.writeBody("Test upload", "text/plain");

Whoops, posted twice. Please ignore this one!