Am 02.02.2014 10:07, schrieb Stefan Koch:

I think it would be great if there were a vibe.d development forum in addition to the gerneral vibe.d discussion forum.

I think that github issues are not really the place to discuss possible enhancements or feature requests.

For smaller requests/topics I think GitHub is actually quite good.
Especially because the issues can be closed when the discussion is done
and thus provide a little more focus when looking at the status quo.

For larger topics, the newsgroup/forums is definitely more appropriate,
but I'm just not sure if there is enough message traffic yet to warrant
a separate forum. Do you think the current one is too crowded?

/OT: for embedded code, just use single back-ticks and for code blocks
triple back-ticks on separate lines. The current parser does the "right
thing" for double back-ticks, too, but I'm not sure what the official
markdown parser would do. I'll also add a markdown cheat sheet when I
have some time.