Am 25.01.2014 08:41, schrieb Ty Overby:

Also, why is the form that I was using valid at all? Was it actually doing something that I wasn't detecting?

The problem is that the serveStaticFiles function, when it gets a
routed request like "/static/image.png", has no way to know that the
matching route looks like "/static/*" and it should drop the prefix. So
in this case it expects the file to be at "./static/static/image.png".

The example in the documentation assumes that all the static files are
placed directly in "/", so "/image.png" would be looked up in
"./public/image.png" - and for this case it should still be valid.

But there should definitely be a short example of using the advanced
settings version of serveStaticFiles, if not in the main
documentation, at least on the API page for serveStaticFiles.