According to the documentation for the @after UDA, we have the following:

Writing to the response body from within the specified handler function causes any further processing of the request to be skipped, including any other @after annotations and writing the result value.

I intend to use this feature in order to write more customizable data conversions than just JSON as per the registerRestInterface. Instead, I am registering my service via resisterWebInterface and using logic in @after handlers to run conversion functions to convert between D types and Media Types.

However, after writing to the response in my @after handler using HTTPServerResponse.writeBody(), I am finding that the code in web.d still continues to attempt to write to the body in vibe.web.web.handleRequest after running all @after handlers with evaluateOutputModifiers().

		} else {
			auto ret = __traits(getMember, instance, M)(params);
			ret = evaluateOutputModifiers!overload(ret, req, res);

			static if (is(RET : Json)) {
			} else static if (is(RET : InputStream) || is(RET : const ubyte[])) {
				enum type = findFirstUDA!(ContentTypeAttribute, overload);
				static if (type.found) {
					res.writeBody(ret, type.value);
				} else {
			} else static if (is(RET : const(char)[])) {
			} else {
				static assert(is(RET == void), M~": Only `InputStream`, `const(ubyte[])`, `Json`, `const(char)[]` and `void` are supported as return types for route methods.");

How do I stop further writes to the body after writing data via an @after handler for a class that was loaded using vibe.web.web.registerWebInterface ?