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How to use custom registry

I'd like to use my local registry because I don't want to pollute public one by highly specialized packages. I know Dub allows it but I don't know how to do it.

Re: How to use custom registry

On Sun, 20 Oct 2013 13:15:39 GMT, Alexandr Druzninin wrote:

I'd like to use my local registry because I don't want to pollute public one by highly specialized packages. I know Dub allows it but I don't know how to do it.

You can either use a custom registry, or, if you just want to make the packages available locally, just check out all packages to a specific directory and do "dub add-path [path]" - they will then automatically be available as dependencies.

If you do want to use the registry, you'll have to install MongoDB and check out the dub-registry repository. In app.d, udbsettings.mailSettings then needs to be set to either null or to a working SMTP setup for user registration to work. Note that there is currently only support for GitHub or Bitbucket based projects. Adding more possible sources requires implementing the Repository interface.

In general, tough, if the only reason to not use the central registry is the special nature of the packages (i.e. they do provide functionality possibly of general, even if narrow, interest and they are open source), you should IMO just go ahead and use the central one anyway.

As the list of packages keeps growing, the registry will (need to) gain more features to efficiently search for the desired packages (e.g. taking into account measures of popularity). So there is basically no reason to keep the number of packages particularly focused now.

Re: How to use custom registry

Thanks for reply!