On Wed, 20 Nov 2013 08:12:09 GMT, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

On Tue, 19 Nov 2013 22:33:58 GMT, Jebbs wrote:

On Tue, 19 Nov 2013 08:53:32 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

I've taken the look at the package.json file and there are two things
that caught my eye:

  • "importPaths": "scr/" should be "importPaths": ["src/"] - this
    may be where the error message comes from
  • instead of the long list of "sourceFiles", you can also use a
    single "sourcePaths": ["src/dsfml/audio"] etc. for each sub package

I'll try to improve the error messages.

Thanks very much! I made the changes, and it seems to have improved things, but I am still getting an error that is preventing me from compiling.

Even with the import paths line to "importPaths": ["src/"], it is telling me that it cannot find dsfml/graphics.d, though it should be dsfml/graphics/package.d instead as that was set up after 2.064 was released. Anything I can do about that?

Also, due to the inability to find the right file, it displays the import paths used for the compilation. The path to the DSFML/src/ directory is not included, so maybe that has something to do with it?

Okay, I've got it working now on Windows up to the linker stage, because I didn't build the C library. There was one issue in DUB that is fixed on GIT master and I've modified the DSFML's package.json a bit:

	"license": "Zlib",
	"dependencies": {
		"dsfml:audio": "~master",
		"dsfml:graphics": "~master",
		"dsfml:network": "~master"
	"sourcePaths": [],
	"importPaths": [],
	"subPackages": [

The "dependencies" field was missing, so that a dependency "dfsml" could simply be added instead of each sub package individually, and the parent package should actually have no source and import paths specified (it shouldn't matter, but they would then be passed to the compiler twice, once for the parent package and one for the sub packages).

With this, I'm now just getting "File Not Found dsfml-audio.lib" and "Symbol not found" like errors.

Awesome! Thank you so very much for all the help. I'll try it later today once I get home from work, but that should be all that I need.

You rock!