Am 21.06.2014 12:04, schrieb Marc Schütz:

By default, dub init . vibe.d creates dependency to vibe.d of the following form:

"dependencies": {
     "vibe-d": "~>0.7.19"

Is there a way to specify a path to use instead? I've tried this:

"dependencies": {
     "vibe-d": {"path":"/tmp/vibe.d/"}

but it complains that "Dependency >=0.0.0 is no exact version". I also tried specifying a version (which I actually don't want to, it should use the exact version that is in the path), but I still get the same error message:

"dependencies": {
     "vibe-d": {"version":"doesn't matter what's specified here", "path":"/tmp/vibe.d/"}

(I'm using DUB 0.9.22beta3.)

I'll look into why that happens, the first variant is supposed to work
in the latest versions. It's recommended though to always use a version
based dependency and then use one of dub add-path/dub add-local or
dub add-override to point to a specific local copy of that package.