Am 09.05.2014 17:15, schrieb Andrej Mitrovic:

On Wed, 07 May 2014 15:16:16 GMT, Sönke Ludwig wrote:


Thanks for the info!

Is there a specific reason why updates aren't instantaneous when I hit the "Trigger manual update" button?

The packages are added to an update queue and then processed
sequentially. And every 15 minutes, all packages are added to the queue.
I've already though about allowing the manual trigger to prioritize a
particular package, but that would open up some potential for abuse.

Everything could be much faster, but GitHub throttles API access to
about 1 request per second, so even with aggressive caching it takes
quite a while to update all of the 240 projects.

There was already some initiative to look into using push notifications
instead of polling, but that would require every GitHub repository to
explicitly grant authorization to a dub-registry OAuth application.