On Wed, 07 May 2014 06:56:59 GMT, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

When they are sub packages, they can be compiled as dub root-pack:tutor1*. When they are free standing packages, indeed either cd path/to/example && dub is necessary, or dub --root=path/to/example.

I guess this is ok since the user might want to be able to run dub when they're inside a sample directory.

* New feature planned for the next release: Allow dub :tutor1 to be used to refer to sub packages.

That would be nice! A related feature I kind of want is the ability to write aliases so I can write things like:

"aliases:": {
    "tut01": "opengl-tutorial.org:tut01",

And then run:

dub run tut01

Aliases might be a good feature for other things, e.g. if you want to rename things but want to keep backward compatibility for a while (I guess emitting a deprecation message would also be appropriate if an alias is marked as deprecated).