Am 26.02.2014 08:36, schrieb Steve Teale:

If I have:

    "buildOptions": ["releaseMode", "optimize"],

DUB complains about the 'M' in releaseMode. What is the correct keyword? Is there some other way I can persuade DUB to generate a release executable if the user just types

dub build


Currently there is no way to cleanly change the default build mode from
within the package description (in this case, the "buildOptions" entry
would be overridden by the selected build mode). So for now, running
dub build -b release is the only way to compile in release mode.
However, it shouldn't complain here about the "releaseMode", which error
message exactly did you get?

If there are good use cases, we could add a "defaultBuildMode" field
to make this configurable.