I get this error a lot in visual D:

First-chance exception: core.exception.InvalidMemoryOperationError Invalid memory operation at src\core\exception.d(693)

This is the code:

dev.exe!vibe.utils.memory.LockAllocator.free( vibe.utils.memory.LockAllocator this ) Line 143 + 0x3d bytes D

void free(void[] mem)
	in {
		assert(mem.ptr !is null, "free() called with null array.");
		assert((cast(size_t)mem.ptr & alignmentMask) == 0, "misaligned pointer passed to free().");
	body {
		static if (!synchronizedIsNothrow)
			scope (failure) assert(0, "Internal error: function should be nothrow");

void clear()
	if( m_object ){
		if( --this.refCount == 0 ){
			static if( INIT ){
				//logInfo("ref %s destroy", T.stringof);
				auto objc = m_object;
				static if (is(TR == T)) .destroy(objc);
				else .destroy(*objc);
				//logInfo("ref %s destroyed", T.stringof);
			static if( hasIndirections!T ) GC.removeRange(cast(void*)m_object);
			manualAllocator().free((cast(void*)m_object)[0 .. ElemSize+int.sizeof]);

dev.exe!vibe.utils.memory.LockAllocator.free( vibe.utils.memory.LockAllocator this ) Line 143 + 0x3d bytes D

m_object = null;
m_magic = 0x1EE75817;


This has something to do with class ConnectionPool and the GC. I can skip over the exception but it seems that a better check/fix could be put in place to avoid throwing the exception on common startup cases.