I can use $HOME in statements such as:
lflags "-L$HOME/Built/lib/gtkd-head-dmd/lib" "-lgtkd-3" "-lgstreamerd-3" platform="dmd"
and everything is hunky dory. If I use $HOME is statemetns such as:
importPaths "$HOME/Built/lib/gtkd-head-dmd/include/d/gtkd-3/" platform="dmd"
the build works fine but I keep getting messages:
Invalid source/import path: /home/users/russel/Repositories/Git/Git/Foscam/$HOME/Built/lib/gtkd-head-dmd/include/d/gtkd-3/
but, as I say, the build actually works fine. However, when I start Emacs with the ac-dcd package installed and used I get the message:
"dcd-client -I/usr/include/dmd/phobos -I/usr/include/dmd/druntime/import -I/home/users/russel/Repositories/Git/Git/Foscam/source/ -I/home/users/russel/Repositories/Git/Git/Foscam/$HOME/Built/lib/gtkd-head-dmd/include/d/gtkd-3/" failed.
Error type is: Unable to connect socket : No such file or directory
Which is believe is attributable to the string dub returns being wrong.
Is this a notifiable bug?