Posted Mon, 10 Feb 2014 14:26:35 GMT in reply to
Sönke Ludwig
On Mon, 10 Feb 2014 10:57:32 GMT, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
The 0.9.21 release should be more or less done now and just needs some final testing.
See the beta 3 announcement and the change log for the list of changes since 0.9.20.
The next release will be a much smaller one again, concentrating on a few critical issues/features.
Download from
Regarding my dependancy version problems the new dub got a little worse.
Where the old version printed some helpfull info what modules use what version:
Checking dependencies in 'e:\_priv\_bitbucket\stack4server\src\vibe\s4server'
There are conflicts in the dependency graph.
The dependency graph could not be filled, there are conflicts.
The following changes will be performed:
Conflict vibe-d >=~master, userWide
Issued by:
s4server: ~master
sockjs-d: ~master
gcm-d: >=0.7.18
s4db: ~master
Error executing command run: Unknown dependency: elo-rating-d
The new now only lets me wonder with this:
Error executing command run: Can't compare branch versions! (this: ~master, other: 0.7.18)