Am 11.09.2013 09:10, schrieb Jacob Carlborg:


The compiler needs to be exactly the same since it doesn't have any binary or source compatibility. A field for specifying the supported compiler would probably be a good idea. An idea would be to hook dub up with DVM, if you're interested. Then dub could automatically install a switch compilers for different packages.

Somehow I managed to skip this... DVM is something that I've actually
thought about how it could be meaningfully integrated. I already wanted
to ask you, but wasn't sure enough how exactly to go about it (questions
like support for GDC/LDC to not make them more second class than they
should be came up).

Only a manually maintained compiler compatibility field is something
that I fear will not work out (people being lazy or too slow with
updates and possibly using different compilers). But if this would be
combined with a CI that automates compatibility checks this would get
really interesting.